SOA is Dead (but the corpse is still kicking)

In a famous post from January this year (which I missed) Ann Thomas Manes declares SOA dead. She is a Reasearch Director within the Burton Group, has worked with SOA in the Burton Group and elsewhere, and is a co-author of the WS-* specifications. The post has sparked fierce defense…

Self programming language

A while ago I reflected on Object Oriented Programming and the fact that it really is more about classes than objects. Reading up on Newspeak, the new langugage proposed by Gilad Bracha I came across Self, one of the language on which Newspeak is indebted to. In Self no classes…

Crystal Clear - by Alistair Cockburn

Crystal Clear is the smallest of a series of methodologies for software development, all created by Alistair Cockburn. It is smallest in the sense of the project size it addresses (up to eight developers) and in the number of things it prescribes. Other Methodologies, deriving their names from the colors…

Where are all the objects?

A question that has been bugging me for a long time is: where are all the objects in Object Oriented Programming? Rather that discussing the relationships between objects, OOP is mainly concerned by the static relationship of classes. A better term for OOP is probably Class Oriented Programming… True, tools…